How to Repurpose Video Transcripts for Marketing

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How to repurpose video transcripts for marketing

Video transcripts can help inspire content ideas that may not have come up during your initial planning. But here is the problem; once a video has been uploaded on social media platforms, most content creators leave it at that. 

Your content may be a gem and people are hoping to come across it, but only your current audience base can see it. So what do you do? Amplify your content; re-purpose and use the same video script on different platforms to maximize search optimization and increase your reach.

Edited video transcripts can be repurposed into blogs, quora posts, and even advertisements. Furthermore, if your content is shared through other platforms, it increases the chances of being seen by more people. So how can you do this with video transcripts? Below are seven ways to repurpose transcripts.

7 Ways to Repurpose Video Transcripts for Content Marketing

1. SEO blogs

Suppose you revisit the video script of a live stream done by an expert in a particular topic. It is very likely you will be able to find answers to some questions regarding that topic being talked about.

As a creator, you can repurpose your content by extracting important keywords and solutions from your video script and using it to compose a more detailed blog for your website. With this, you increase the chances of your content being found through search engines with more targeted keywords. Should the video fail to rank on Google, there is still a chance that your blog post will.

2. Quora posts

Some of the best responses to frequently asked questions can be found on Quora. Just create an account and respond to questions relevant to your niche while redirecting the audience with an external link to your website or video to learn more about the solution or idea.

3. Landing Page

A landing page is where your audience or potential clients are redirected when they click on your marketing emails or ads. When visitors leave the video to access a link to your landing page, they expect nothing short of what they have just watched. You can extract snippets from your video script and restructure them into an intentional call-to-action statement that guarantees sales conversion.

4. Transcript translation

You may not be bilingual/multilingual, but translation can effortlessly make your content available in different languages to maximize your audience base. Free translation softwares like Auris AI makes it easy to translate and make your video transcripts available in a number of languages, breaking the barrier between you and non-native audiences.

5. Ads

Paid ads are a great way to amplify and market your content. You can pay for ad spots on different social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to market your content. In this case, keywords are where the catch is. Pick relevant keywords from your video script and use them in your ads to give your audience a taste of what to expect when they click on the ad.

6. Turn Video Scripts into Tweets

Twitter is one of the social platforms with an enormous online presence. You can re-use your video script as Twitter threads to encourage a following and audience attention.

7. Turn scripts into Podcasts

People may not have time to watch videos, but they can multitask by listening to podcasts with other activities like driving. Instead of relying on youtube only for sales conversion, maximize your audience base through podcasts. That way, an audience may not have come across your videos but chances are they have listened to the podcast version.

Generate Automatic Transcripts with Auris AI

Auris AI gives you the opportunity to generate and translate accurate transcripts for FREE. With over 16 different languages to choose from, it makes it easier to amplify your content to non-native audiences at no additional costs. Visit our website to start your transcription journey today.