
Use Auris AI for free. Upload up to 15 minutes and have your minutes reset every month.

$ 0 /Month
  • 15 minutes usage per month
  • 1 GB storage/month
  • 1 file export/month
  • 1 file upload/month
  • 1 GB file size upload/month
  • With watermark
  • Top-up 30min: $1.8/per time


Upload up to 2 hours, and download with no watermark.

$ 5.50 /Month
  • 2 hours usage per month
  • 5 GB storage/month
  • Unlimited File Exports
  • Unlimited File Uploads
  • 5 GB file size upload/month
  • Without watermark
  • Top-up 30min: $1.4/per time


Upload up to 5 hours, and enjoy top-ups at lower costs.

$ 12.80 /Month
  • 5 hours usage per month
  • 15 GB storage/month
  • Unlimited File Exports
  • Unlimited File Uploads
  • 15 GB file size upload/month
  • Without watermark
  • Top-up 30min: $1.3/per time


Enjoy the most flexibility with more storage and higher file upload size.

$ 22.00 /Month
  • 10 hours usage per month
  • 30 GB storage/month
  • Unlimited File Exports
  • Unlimited File Uploads
  • 30 GB file size upload/month
  • Without watermark
  • Top-up 30min: $1.1/per time

📢 Hiện đã có trình chỉnh sửa phụ đề Auris AI mới: Chỉnh sửa nhanh và cải thiện trải nghiệm